- Browse Deviantart.com _amayanieva_
- Listen to Music (Pandora, IHeartRadio, Jelli) _amayanieva_
- Look through WeHeartIt.com _amayanieva_
- Browse through pinterest.com Kaye Dominique
- Google Quotes LightningNinjaShinigami
- Check out Buzzle.com for quotes Hawk Eyes
- History class or reading about historical events
- Looking at pictures and deciding how they came about
- Dreams
- Watching random people and coming up with stories about their life
- Reading poetry
- Drawing/Sketching, various forms of art
- Writing off of already created art pieces
- Go for a walk
- Experience the kind of things your characters are (If your MC climbs a tree, go climb a tree. Though I wouldn't recommend this to those of us with little to no hand-eye coordination.)
- Asking yourself a what if question
- Asking someone else a what if question
- Look at a list of baby names
- Fall in love with your character
- Think about things that you would like to do
- Ask an elder questions about their life
- Wander around your public library
- Type random things into Google
- Try new things
- Get adequate help from a trained professional (Sorry, you might just have to make due with a fellow writer :)
So have a nice, writing-filled Friday everyone! Good luck and keep writing!
Are there any other ways you get inspiration?
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